Russia - Representation of household appliances in retail points of sale
Released on: November 9, 2007, 2:53 am
Press Release Author: Direct INFO
Industry: Retail
Press Release Summary: Direct INFO has finished yearly monitoring of specialized retail shops, which sell household appliances and TV sets. Monitoring was carried out in 168 Russian cities with a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants. The main goal of the project was to analyze the representation of various types and trademarks of household appliances in retail points of sale (POS).
Press Release Body: Direct INFO has finished yearly monitoring of specialized retail shops, which sell household appliances and TV sets. Monitoring was carried out in 168 Russian cities with a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants. The main goal of the project was to analyze the representation of various types and trademarks of household appliances in retail points of sale (POS). As part of the study, Direct INFO found that 5300 retail shops sell household appliances and TV sets in the targeted cities. In each city, the following retail shops were considered: independent shops, local, federal and franchise retail chains, and manufacturer\'s outlet store (firm shops). During the monitoring process, a unique assortment of each POS was collected into a united database for processing. Project results show a balanced representation in Russia of refrigerators, washing machines, kitchen ranges, and TV sets. Every second specialized shop sells the before mentioned appliances (52%, 52%, 55%, and 56% from total number of POS, respectively). Dishwashers are less commonly found in retail shops, only a third part (36%) of POS is selling them. Small household appliances (kitchen units, blenders, microwave ovens, desk-type electric stroves, vacuum cleaners, juice squeezers, coffee machines, irons, and toasters) are represented more often:, Most (82% from total number) of specialized retail shops. In addition, all information was analyzed from point of view of federal districts, separate Russian regions, above-mentioned types of retail POS, size of explored cities (100-200 thousands, 200-500 thousands, and more than 500 thousands of peoples), and separate trademarks and brands.
For more information or to order this report, please call Direct INFO at 745-4020.
About Direct INFO company: Research company Direct INFO ( has operated for ten years on the Russian market with over 300 Russian and multinational clients successfully served. We are set apart from the crowd by our unique set of resources, methodology and experience. Our informational and consulting services range from multi-million dollar market entry projects to ad hoc company reports. Leading markets of the Russian Federation are represented almost continuously.
Unique resources - Data and networks. Our continuously updated business statistical database is the largest privately held database of it's kind in the world, and it is dynamically linked. Extensive experiences with expert interviews at various levels within the key sectors of the Russian economy gives us a unique set of interview resources for effective qualitative analysis.
Unique methodologies - internal systems. Over 35,000 programming hours has gone into intellectual property (IP) system investments, which saves project time, enhances data content and reduces the chance for mistakes.
Unique experience - Our people. Our project leaders are recruited from technical universities and are trained to effectively meet client demands. Amongst our staff there are even Philosophy Doctors. We maintain standard operating procedures to suit world-class standards, developed over a decade of ongoing market engagement.
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